This is not a question I get asked often, but it is a question that most non-architects should ask. There is a process to an architectural project. I am making a series of videos that explain the process. This is the first video which outlines the process. I also describe […]
The answer is and emphatic “YES”! Check out the video below to learn why: Helping you navigate the weird ways of city bureaucracy is one of the many things architects do. Before you are even tempted to get started on your project, check out my Project Planning Cheat Sheet. You […]
Construction can be so stressfull. So many decisions! So many moving parts! How can you make it through the process without losing all your hair? Keep calm – and hire an architect! An architect is your guide through the tangled bureaucracy and insanity of the planning and building codes. It […]
UPDATED 3/25/21: The pandemic continues, however, there is light at the end of the tunnel. More and more of us are getting vaccinated and the economy is slowly opening up. I have received the first vaccine, and the second is scheduled. By the 1st of May, 2021, I will be […]
Continuing the discussion of the design process for the custom home I am working on, in this post we’re going to look at how the Schematic Design process is developing. I worked on the design while the clients were away. When they returned, I showed it to them using both […]
All of the images in this post are preliminary and schematic and subject to change as we go through the design process. We aren’t looking at materials yet. The images were created in Enscape and Revit and are copyright 2019 by David Locicero, Architect. I’ve recently posted about starting a […]
There is a lot of chatter in architectural circles about VR – virtual reality. It is a technology that allows us to see the building much as we would in reality before we build it. It takes advantage of our ability to “build” a model of the building in the […]
Kicking off a new project is always fun. There is nothing but possibilities ahead of us! A blank piece of tracing paper and a hand full of pens and we’re ready to get started. I recently started working on a new house project with some old clients of mine. I […]
I have a project in my studio at the moment where the design of a new master bathroom is a key aspect of the project. We are adding on a new family room and master bedroom, and converting one of the existing bedrooms into the master bathroom. The existing bedroom […]
One of the projects in my studio at the moment is the expansion of a mid-century ranch style house in the South Bay. The house, about 1100 square feet, was built in the 1950’s. It currently has 3 bedrooms and one and a half bathrooms. The house is well located, […]
One of the things architect’s often hear is a variation on the idea that what we do is draw buildings. We do, of course, draw buildings. It is not, however, the only thing we do, and, probably is not the majority of what we do, if by drawing buildings the […]
What are the steps you need to take when starting an architecture project? Building in the Bay Area is an expensive and time consuming process. You don’t want to just jump into something without laying the proper groundwork first. Whether you are thinking about a house remodel, addition, new house, […]
The question is often asked, if not out loud, at least in people’s minds, “what does an architect do?” Most of us don’t have any experience dealing with architects. Sometimes we see them on TV or in the movies. The work in barns and talk to horses (Mr. Ed), or […]
One of the projects in my studio has hit a road block. The minor variance we applied for has been denied. We had the backing of the planning staff. All we wanted to do was extend an existing non-conforming condition upwards. The existing garage is built right up to the […]
You have been thinking about remodeling or adding on to your house. You called you’re local building department and described what you wanted to do. They said, “You’ll need plans prepared by an architect for that in order to get a permit.” You had a contractor come over to discuss […]
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, so when prospective clients come to me with hopes of starting construction in only a matter of 2 or 3 months, I always feel a bit of pain. For those of you who don’t work in or around architecture, engineering, or […]
I recently took on a project helping a client who had started work without a permit and was consequently sighted by the local jurisdiction. It turned out that the scope of work he was performing did not require a full set of drawings, just a site plan. Easy-peasy, I thought. […]
I have shared images of this project before. We are wrapping up schematic design right now. The design we came up with worked very well, but came in over budget. Working with the Church to set and determine their priorities, they determined that the new structure that will define the […]
People have preconceptions about what architects do. Some people think we are “diva designers” who swoop in and impose our personal style on others. Some people think that all we do is draw, making pretty pictures of buildings. Some people think we work in barns and talk to horses (Mr. […]