I am one of those people who wants the latest and greatest gadgets. If it promises to make my life easier, or more productive, or more efficient, I’ll give it a try. AI is the latest and greatest for almost every profession and business. AI is going to change the […]
There is an old addage: When is the best time to plant a tree? Yesterday. When is the next best time to plant a tree? Today. It is similar with architecture projects: new homes, new ADUs, remodeling, additions – in every case, given how long it takes to design a […]
In my years doing remodeling projects in old houses in the San Francisco Bay Area, there is one thing I have learned: You never know what you may find when you start demolition. The older the house, the more likely you are to find weirdness. In today’s installment of “oh, […]
Now that things are assuming their “new normal” state, I am happy to announce that I have resumed in-person meetings and consultations. I am fully vaxed and boosted. I still wear a mask out in public venues. If requested, I will wear a mask for any meetings. For those that […]
2021 Random Photo Series As a way of rounding out the year, I have decided to share 3 random photos from my phone each week, along with a discussion about why I took the picture. This might give you a sense of how I think and who I am. Random […]
The big custom house project is still alive and well. After some time off because of the pandemic, we are back at it. Updating the progress on this new house in the San Francisco Bay Area The delay caused by the pandemic gave the clients time to consider what they […]
This project in San Francisco has been underway for quite a while. But we received our Certificate of Occupancy not long ago. In San Francisco, if you voluntarily upgrade a masonry foundation, you are allowed to add a new unit to the building within the existing envelope. Check out the […]
Last year, I made a video answering the question, how much do architectural services cost? It is my most viewed video from last year! I guess it gets to the first question most people have about hiring an architect. Two basic questions have shown up in the comments to that […]
How do you design a kitchen for entertaining? Well, it depends on the type of entertaining. For this condo refresh project in Sonoma, the clients wanted to be able to entertain friends and family for wine tastings, cocktail parties, and small dinners. With the many great restaurants on the Sonoma […]
The new house project under construction in Benicia is coming along nicely. I visited the site with the client and the builder on Wednesday of last week. It was a beautiful autumn day, and the house looked great. All of the cladding is up and the doors and windows are […]
This project recently came into the studio: A condominium refresh up in Sonoma. I don’t usually take work so far afield, but I know the client and am considering opening a Sonoma satellite office. So I figured, it looks like fun! It is a roughly 1000 square foot 2bd 2bath […]
One of the project’s in my studio is a new house in Benicia, California. It is a small, 800 square foot, 2 bedroom house. Follow me as I visit the site. Because of the shelter-in-place order, I haven’t been able to visit the site until recently. The builder has already […]
Many people think that once they have a permit in hand, they no longer need an architect. That could not be further from the truth. You need an architect during construction for many reasons. Just some reasons are: The architect is an advocate for the design – helping you and […]
Continuing my series of videos about the architectural project process, we now come to Phase 5: Permits + Bidding! Woo hoo? This is my least favorite project phase. It is the phase where the design team (you and I) have the least control and influence. And it is the phase […]
The 5th in my series of videos about the architectural project process, this video is about Construction Documents. Some still call them “blue prints”, but they are no longer blue. Some people think that this phase is the only thing that architects do. There are two common misconceptions about architects. […]
Architectural services aren’t cheap. There are many reasons for that. Among those reasons is what I refer to as drawing bloat. There are several reasons for drawing bloat. First, local jurisdictions, and in California, the state, require including information which demonstrates compliance with various laws which are not directly related […]
Continuing my video series about the architectural project process, here is video 4 in the series: What Is Design Development? Many clients want to rush through Design Development. There is the sense that we have to apply for the permit! But rushing this phase is a mistake. It is important […]
Continuing my series of video posts about the architectural project process, I present to you, the third video in the series: What Is Schematic Design? After we have collected all the pertinent information required for a project during Pre-Design, we move on to Schematic Design. This is the phase when […]
Architects approach projects in a systematic way: we look for different pieces of information and input at different stages of design. This is because the project process moves from the most basic information and gets more detailed as the project moves forward. Pre-Design is the first phase of any architectural […]
When you embark on an architecture project, no matter if you are renovating a bathroom, or building a new house, you are setting off on an adventure! Think of it as your own person Lord of The Rings – without the orcs. But, instead of trying to get rid of […]