I am more or less recovered from a nasty cold. If you’ve had this year’s cold virus, you know what I’m talking about. We are more than 3 weeks into this thing and my nose is still running…but the worst of it is over. And thankfully, the end came in […]
Architect’s Inspiration
If you follow me on Instagram, you know that one of my recent projects was making a very special cake for Thanksgiving. I thought that I would share the process and offer some tips learned. While there may not seem to be a connection between cake and architecture, I hasten […]
My favorite house in San Francisco, at least from the outside, is a small single story house built in the classical style. It is a small cottage, built as a classical temple. It is dwarfed by the neighboring buildings which were built years after it was built. I suspect that […]
Each architect find’s inspiration in different places and from different things. Sometimes that inspiration is easy to spot. Take, for instance, this bank building in Grass Valley, California. It looks very much a civic building to our North American eyes. It’s got the columns and the dome. It has to […]
Continuing my occasional series of posts about buildings that inspire me: The Wimbledon House was designed by the English architect Richard Rogers with his then wife, Su Rogers, for his parents. Design started in 1967 and was completed in 1969. It is located just outside of London. Considered by many […]
I recently accompanied my partner to Manila to attend to some family business. While we were there, we jumped on a plane and flew to Singapore to visit some friends. In addition to catching up and eating our way through the city (the food there is amazing), we also did […]
The Villa Savoye, by the Swiss-French architect known as Le Corbusier, is one of a trio of modern Europe houses from the early 20th century that have shaped my design sensibility. Along with the Rietveld-Schroder House in The Netherlands, and the Maison de Verre in Paris, The Villa Savoye just […]
Continuing my series of posts attempting to answer the question, What is Architecture? This post introduces my architectural creed. It is a statement of belief and intent. All of my decisions about design are based on the ideas summarized in my creed. The creed is duplicated here: I believe in […]
This is the first in an occasional series of posts about what architecture is and how it should be made. I am working on an architectural creed and hope to share it with you soon. The title of this post could be restate as “what is the difference between architecture and […]
Some of my favorite rooms and buildings are libraries. There is just something about the combination of books, buildings, and light, that inspire architects and readers to make better spaces. In this post, I’m going to grapple with an idea about the synergy that happens when the owner and architect […]
I realize that the word “modern” is one fraught with emotion for many people. They think “modern” means either boring or expensive or self-indulgent. When I think of “modern”, I think of wonderful, light filled spaces that have a range of experiences and are full of color and texture and […]
Indulge me for a moment, if you will. Today I want to share a marvelous little house in the UK by some architects I both greatly admire and have dedicated quite a bit o time learning about their careers. In addition to my professional degree in architecture, I have a […]
I have a confession to make. I have an architect crush. It is common among architects, especially young ones, to have architect crushes on one or two favorite established architects. An architect crush is when you find the work of an architect conceptually, visually, and emotionally admirable and appealing. You’ […]
This is an installment in my occasional series of posts about buildings, architects, ideas, and objects that inspire me. Today, in honor of his birthday, I am going to look at Sir Peter Cook, architect and educator. I have deep respect and admiration for Sir Peter Cook. I was familiar with his […]
I just love this little animation. 2 minutes of music, architecture and delight! http://vimeo.com/94449276 Doesn’t it make your architectural heart go pitter pat? by
Frank Lloyd Wright is probably the most famous architect in the world. Even people who know nothing about architecture will say “Frank Lloyd Wright” when asked to name an architect. He’s been dead for 55 years, but his fame, reputation and influence endure. He designed 100’s of buildings during his […]
A friend spotted this and sent it to me. It is a copy of the Architect’s Code of Conduct, from the 1920’s. Back then, a copy of this code was given to every newly licensed architect in the Philippines. It is a beautiful thing, both aesthetically and philosophically. if, like […]
The Villa Rotunda by Andrea Palladio is probably one of the most iconic homes ever built. It’s influence reverberates through the profession of architecture over 400 years since it was completed. Like most architects who find themselves in North-Eastern Italy, I made a pilgrimage to see this house in 1988. […]
Architects are funny creatures. We love buildings. When we travel, generally, we don’t want to go to the beach or resorts. No. We want to go look at buildings! This post is the first in an intermittent series of posts intended to share those buildings, and maybe other designed objects, […]