Many people think that once they have a permit in hand, they no longer need an architect.
That could not be further from the truth.
You need an architect during construction for many reasons. Just some reasons are:
- The architect is an advocate for the design – helping you and the contractor keep your eyes on the overall desired result, not down in the minutia.
- The architect checks to see if the contractor is actually following the contract documents.
- The architect helps the contractor by answering questions and working together to solve problems that may arise.
- The architect completes forms, drawings, and letters, required by the city and by your bank during construction.
- The architect acts as your guide through a process which, though exciting, can be exasperating, and expensive.
Many architects will not take on projects if they are not involved during construction. It is to your benefit to have your architect involved during construction phase to help things move more quickly and save you money if and when there are changes.
And there will be changes. Every construction project is unique and has never been done before. That is the nature of custom design. Consequently, no matter how talented and experienced your architect and builder are, there will be questions, and their will be issues to resolve.
But that’s all part of what an architect does!
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