There is an old addage:
When is the best time to plant a tree?
When is the next best time to plant a tree?
It is similar with architecture projects: new homes, new ADUs, remodeling, additions – in every case, given how long it takes to design a project and get through the permitting process, the earlier you get started the better.
You may start thinking about your project when you get your tax return, or when the weather starts getting nice and you think, “Gee it’s probably a good time for construction right now.”
The reality is that most projects take at least a year from the time you hire an architect until you get a permit. In some Bay Area cities that time can be much longer because of how backed up the planning and building departments are. In San Francisco, it can be 2 years for some permits to be approved.
Nothing can make a cold, dark winter more fun and exciting than designing your new addition, remodel, or ADU.
So, while you may not have started your project yesterday, the next best time to start your project is today.
You can make an initial virtual appointment with me using the link here on my website. If you’d like to meet in person, you can contact me by email to set up an in person appointment.
If you are interested in building a new home, an ADU, or remodeling your current home, get your copy of my Project Planning Cheat Sheet to help you prepare by setting a realistic budget and schedule. Just sign up in the form on the right side of this page.