October is National Architecture Month, also known in some circles as Archtober. To commemorate the month, I am going to post a brief post every day of the month.
When you think about architecture, you probably think about walls. Walls define spaces, rooms, places. They can be made out of many different material and have many different characteristics. Brick, wood, stone, glass, mud, grass have all been used to make walls. Walls keep things out, and/or keep things in.
They can also direct our attention or our movement within a building. In the building above, an outdoor pavilion designed by Aldo van Eyck, the walls are used to direct our attention to the sculptures. The walls are also used to direct the visitor’s path through the building.
In this garden wall in a lakeside house he designed for his mother, Le Corbusier uses the wall to control the view to the lake from the garden. It also provides some protection from the glare and exposure of the lake side.