I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year! 2014 was, like most years, a year of ups and downs. It ended on a high, however, which is carrying over into 2015. I am excited to dig into 2015 and make it as good a year as possible for myself, my family and friends, and for my clients.
2015 is off to a great start. Two small projects are underway already and there are two proposals being considered by prospective clients already. I will be writing about those projects in upcoming weeks.
I am looking forward to working with New Avenue Homes in 2015. I am excited by their process and platform and think that the partnership with New Avenue Homes will serve their clients well.
My newsletter, Making Places, will continue to be published on a bi-monthly schedule (January, March, May, July, September, and November). If you subscribe, not only will you receive the newsletter, you will also receive a complimentary copy of my ebook about freshening up your Kitchen.
This blog will be updated weekly. It is a challenge to keep up a weekly writing schedule and to come up with topics to write about. My goal with the blog is to introduce people to aspects of architecture and my practice so that they get a better idea of what architects can do for them as well as provide an insight into my own approach to design and practice.
Did you make any resolutions for 2015? I am still in the process of formulating my 2015 resolutions. My opinion is that so long as my resolutions are fully identified and articulated by the end of January, I’m doing well. Taking the time to consider the resolutions in depth before implementing them is very important. I learned this from this short ebook which I would like to recommend to you. I found this book very useful in 2014: Start Making Resolutions: Improve Your Life With New Year’s Resolutions. I dug it out of the archives this week to refer back to it as I plan 2015. It’s short, but very useful for those of us who make resolutions and intend to keep those resolutions.
Have a wonderful 2015!