The small addition project in San Bruno is moving forward. I met with the clients this week. The decision was made to apply for the Architectural Review next week.
While this project is small – 210 square foot addition – there is a complicating factor which means an Architectural Review by the Planning Department. The house was built in the 50’s prior to San Bruno’s adopting the current set back requirements. The house is in compliance with the front and rear yard set backs. It is also in compliance with the side yard set back requirement on one side of the house. Unfortunately, we just miss complying with the side yard set back on the other side of the house by 3″! The set back requirement for a side yard in San Bruno is 5′-0″. The existing house is set back 4′-9″ on the side of the house where we are making the addition.
The addition itself simply fills in a roughly 24 foot x 9 foot space at the back of the house. It brings the wall of the living and dining rooms out flush with the existing back wall of the garage. The house, when the project is complete, will look like the image here.
We considered offsetting the addition by 3 inches, but doing so introduced some complications that would have meant doing more work in the house than the client wants.
The Architectural Review process will take approximately 2-1/2 months and includes notifying the neighbors, a public hearing, and an additional fee. Assuming that all goes well, we will be able to apply for the building permit some time in March.