If you are like many homeowners in San Francisco, you may have an existing in-law unit in your San Francisco home that was built without the necessary permits. Don’t panic! You have the opportunity to legalize this additional dwelling unit and bring it up to code. In this post, I […]
Accessory Dwelling Unit
Here’s hoping that 2023 will be a good year for you and yours. The rain here in the Bay Area hasn’t dampened our mood. Here in the studio we’re ready to attack the year’s work with vigor and enthusiasm. We are continuing to work on projects we’ve started in previous […]
There is an old addage: When is the best time to plant a tree? Yesterday. When is the next best time to plant a tree? Today. It is similar with architecture projects: new homes, new ADUs, remodeling, additions – in every case, given how long it takes to design a […]
In my years doing remodeling projects in old houses in the San Francisco Bay Area, there is one thing I have learned: You never know what you may find when you start demolition. The older the house, the more likely you are to find weirdness. In today’s installment of “oh, […]
I’ve been working on this accessory dwelling unit (called a Secondary Dwelling Unit in Oakland) for a while now. We ran into problems with the pandemic supply chain, and labor shortages and PGE hookups and any number of other things, but it is now habitable. The only thing that remains […]
Are you looking at your home differently than you did pre-pandemic? Has working from home and schooling your kids from home made you reconsider how spaces in your home might work? Are you worried about the in-law unit in your house that was built without permits? These are all questions […]
Continuing documenting the construction progress for this accessory dwelling in the Oakland Hills, I paid a visit to this project again this month. Things have kind of slowed down. The city is taking their time reviewing the fire sprinkler permit application. And the folks at EBMUD (the water utility) are […]
One of the most common reasons my clients chose to build an accessory dwelling – either a backyard cottage or in-law unit, is for either their elder parents, or for their adult children with kids of their own. Building an accessory dwelling on their property allows them to have two […]
Many people think that once they have a permit in hand, they no longer need an architect. That could not be further from the truth. You need an architect during construction for many reasons. Just some reasons are: The architect is an advocate for the design – helping you and […]
Continuing my series of videos about the architectural project process, we now come to Phase 5: Permits + Bidding! Woo hoo? This is my least favorite project phase. It is the phase where the design team (you and I) have the least control and influence. And it is the phase […]
I’ve written about this secondary dwelling unit in Oakland before. About a month ago I posted on the progress. This past week I stopped by again to check on the progress. Since the last time I was there, they have started on the underlayment for the green roof assembly, and […]
The 5th in my series of videos about the architectural project process, this video is about Construction Documents. Some still call them “blue prints”, but they are no longer blue. Some people think that this phase is the only thing that architects do. There are two common misconceptions about architects. […]
Continuing my video series about the architectural project process, here is video 4 in the series: What Is Design Development? Many clients want to rush through Design Development. There is the sense that we have to apply for the permit! But rushing this phase is a mistake. It is important […]
This video answers the musical question, “Does my project need a permit?” If you are considering building or remodeling, get your copy of my Project Planning Cheat Sheet to help you prepare by setting a realistic budget and schedule. Just sign up in the form on the right side of this page. […]
In California, it is easier than ever before to add an accessory dwelling to your property. Whether you want to add an in-law unit in your basement, convert a free standing garage into a small cottage, or build a new backyard cottage from the ground up, the state has loosened […]
This is not a question I get asked often, but it is a question that most non-architects should ask. There is a process to an architectural project. I am making a series of videos that explain the process. This is the first video which outlines the process. I also describe […]
I’ve dubbed this project Bay Vista Junior. It is an accessory dwelling unit – called a Secondary Dwelling Unit in Oakland – on a large hillside meadow. I’ve designed an extensive remodel and extension to the main house, which I dubbed Bay Vista because of the amazing view. The owners […]
A question I get all the time, as many architects do, is a variation of “What will it cost to draw my plans?” I get this question so often, I’ve made a video in which I answer this burning question: Now you know! If you are thinking of remodeling your […]
The studio is intended for the elderly parents of the owners. They will get their own space that opens out onto a shade dappled back yard, that is only feet away from the main family home. The parents will be able to participate in family life, or retreat to the cottage as they see fit, but benefit from the proximity of the family and the grandchild.
Last week, Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 68 into law. AB 68 addresses Accessory Dwelling Units, specifically addressing planning and zoning regulations in order to make them easier to design and build.