Tomorrow I will be accompanying my client for the Deck and Remodel project to the City’s Permit Center to apply for, and hopefully receive, the Building Permit for the project.
This project has gone exceptionally quickly. I started work on 7/12. We will be applying for the permit on 7/31. That’s 14 working days. The reasons the project has gone quickly are:
- The existing house is not very large or complex
- We are not adding on to the house
- We are not doing anything very complicated
- The structural engineer was able to fit our project in to his schedule
- The owner is taking on all the interior design: picking fixtures, fittings, paint colors, etc.
If any of the above things were different, and the project could have taken at least another week or significantly more to complete.
This afternoon, I’ll be having the permit application sets printed up and stamping and signing them. Tomorrow morning I’ll meet the client at the Permit Center. Next week, I’ll describe what that process is like.