You have questions. I have answers. I recorded these videos I to answer some frequently asked questions.
I’ll be adding more videos periodically, so check back for more answers.
Video 1 – What does “modern” mean to you?
In this video I discuss what “modern” means to me.
Video 2 – How does a project happen?
In this video I discuss the six phases of a typical project. This was the first video I recorded and it’s a little rough around the edges. I like to consider that “wabi sabi” (the beauty of imperfection).
Video 3 – Where has David worked?
In this video I answer the question you should ask any architect: where have you worked? This is an important question to ask because each city has it’s own amendments to the Building Code and their own Planning approval processes. If you architect is familiar with the codes and processes in your city, it can make the approval process go more smoothly.
Video 4 – How Much Will It Cost To Draw Up My Plans?
In this video I answer the most burning question you probably have about an architect’s services.
Video 5 – How To Establish Your Construction Budget
In this video I walk you through the 4 steps to setting the construction budget for your project.
Video 6 – Do I Really Need A Permit For My Project?
This video outlines the major reasons you must have a permit for any project. If your project requires a permit and you don’t want to get one, I will not work on it. It is that important.
Those are the videos I have recorded so far. There are at least 5 others planned. If you have a question you would like answered, send me an email to dslocicero (at) gmail (dot) com. I will certainly answer your question by email, and I might even make a video of my answer. These videos take a fair amount of time to make, so I’m hoping to post a new one every month.