Building and remodeling in the Bay Area can be an expensive and lengthy process. We’ve all heard horror stories about projects that take years to complete, or go wildly over budget. It can cause stress just thinking about it.
How can we reduce, if not eliminate that stress and uncertainty?
Preparing a REALITY CHECK feasibility study is one of the best ways to prepare for your project. The Reality Check is a stand alone service, with no expectation of further work, I provide to help you think through the major issues with your project. I help you evaluate your project. The finished report can be used by any architect to provide you with an estimate for services, based on real information.
In preparing the Reality Check we will determine the following:
- We will help you define the problem, establishing your needs and desires for your finished project
- We will research the basic Planning and Building Code issues that will affect your project
- We will help you determine if your project is viable, and if there are alternative options to solve your problem
- We will help you determine the likely budget for your project
- We will outline a realistic schedule for the project
- We will outline the next steps you can take to initiate your project in the most successful way.
The finished report will be provided to you in both a hard copy and electronic format.
Armed with real information, you will be able to make better decisions about your project. Provided with real information, architects and design-build contractors will be able to provide you with far more accurate estimates as to the cost of their services.
I provide this as a “no strings” consultation service with no expectation of future work.
For a simple fixed fee of only $1597, you answers to all your questions about the feasibility, budgeting, scheduling, and options for solving your problem.
The Reality Check is a required step in the process of preparing for a project.
Do you want to get your questions answered? Call or email me today to reserve an appointment time.
Voice Mail: 415.890.5541
Email: dslocicero at gmail dot com