2021 Random Photo Series
As a way of rounding out the year, I have decided to share 3 random photos from my phone each week, along with a discussion about why I took the picture. This might give you a sense of how I think and who I am.
Random Photo #11:

Have I mentioned how much I enjoy bold colors?
I think I have.
I hate to harp on it, but I really do believe that color needs to play a bigger part in our built environment.
This photograph is of the ice plant beside my mother’s driveway in full bloom. The green of the plant disappears behind the carpet of vivid pink blossoms.
This particular pink is my favorite pink. There was a design trend in the UK to use this pink and I’ve always loved to see it used in graphic design. I think it has a place in interior design as well.
Embrace ice plant pink!

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