The house project in Benicia is progressing along nicely. Things slowed because of weather, but they are picking up again. In this video, shot last week, you can see how things are coming along.
The designer for the project is Oregon Architect, Nir Pearlson. I am the local, California Architect of Record, working in conjunction with New Avenue Homes.
You can see how far we’ve come by checking out the video from the last time I visited which can be seen in this video:
Or the first time I visited the site when it was under construction:
Construction is one of the most fun and one of the most stressful phases of any architectural project. This project is no different, but everybody is getting excited to see the finished building. Helping to guide you through the entire process, including construction, is what an architect does.

If you are interested in building a new home, an ADU, or remodeling your current home, get your copy of my Project Planning Cheat Sheet to help you prepare by setting a realistic budget and schedule. Just sign up in the form on the right side of this page.